Working From Home Top Tips

Top Tips For Working From Home

With staying home being one of the biggest challenges in our lives during the pandemic, we’ve come up with some tips for working from home.

Here are a few of our top tips:

1. Dress for your work day. Get up and get dressed as though you are leaving the house to go to work. The psychological aspect of this will get you in the mindset to have a productive day.

2. Have a designated work area. As tempting as it might be to simply sit at the dining room table, having a specific work area will allow you to zone out from distractions.

3. Don’t dive straight out of bed and into work. Do something before you start work that’s just for you, and make it a ritual. Like a cup of coffee in your favourite sunny spot, or some yoga or read a book.

4. Set your work hours and stick to them. Working from home can blur the lines between business and leisure. It’s so easy to spend every waking minute working toward that deadline when you’re always “at the office”. Set your work boundaries and stick to them.

5. Take regular breaks. Step away from the screens and reset your mind regularly. Getting some fresh air and having a short change of environment can help you to recharge and refocus throughout the day.

6. Take care of yourself and others. Check in with yourself, see how you’re feeling. Have a virtual coffee break with a work colleague and check in with them too. It’s important to stay connected in these disconnected times.

Do you have any tips for health and well-being when working from home? What would you add to this list?